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    8250 0 winmain_win8beta 120217 1520 download google

    Name: 8250 0 winmain_win8beta 120217 1520 download google
    Category: Downloads
    Published: ssanebasal1983
    Language: English
























    out to him, " Son of St. Louis, you are going up King, " that he had not brought him there to de- ders that the drums fliould beat, crying out to the " what you will, it is the laft facrifice." He then « to Heaven !"t his knees to receive the lafl benedidion of his Con- fevered from his body! fcaffold alone. At that moment his ConfelTor cried pared himfelf for the flroke of the fatal Inftrument, that Monf. Edge-* " France — and you, unhappy people!" 4 feffor, got up immediately after, and afcended the dalene burying-ground, and thrown into a pit twelve " had any hand in my misfortunes, and 1 pray that At thefe words, the unfeeling Santerre gave or- hair, and bind' his hands, " Do with me," fuid he, Far from oppofmg thofc who came to cut off his " laid to my charge — I forgive all thofe who have f Other accounts ftate, that it was when the King had juft pre- lime was cafl. The corpfe was immediately conveyed to the Mag. feet deep, into which a confiderable quantity of quick- made a motion with his hand to obtain filence. — " I " die perfectly innocept of all the pretended crimes *' my blood may be of ufe in reftoring happinefs to " claim, but to die." At that inftant his head was the collar of his (hirt ; he then threw himfelf upon




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